Mauritanian President: Africa "expects a lot from France"


Ould Ghazousani said the anti-French sentiment that has developed in some French-speaking African countries, is interpreted “by expectations that I consider excessive, in some African populations towards a historically friendly country.”

“Africa expects a lot from France,” he added, considering that anti-Paris sentiments in particular reflect “malign populism” that Africa is not unique but is “expressed everywhere on the planet” and “largely inflated social networks.”

He stressed that France’s withdrawal from Niger was neither a failure nor a humiliation, saying “undoubtedly has a reason to leave”.

Although four of the G5 countries in the Sahel region (Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali) have recently experienced coups or leadership-level changes, the organization established in 2014 to fight terrorism and underdevelopment is “not dead,” Ould Ghazouani stressed.


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